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Seasons for Peace and Nonviolence Photos and Flyers Archive 2014

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Trust Frequency - Film Showing & Workshop
Santa Barbara, CA- April 5, 7 pm & Workshop April 5-6

Presented by Center of the Heart
A weekend with Andrew Cameron Bailey and Connie Baxter Marlow
info@centeroftheheart.com, 805-964-4861.$35 in advance for the weekend $40 at the door
$8 in advance for Film only $10 at the door.

Center of the Heart

487 N. Turnpike Road, Santa Barbara, CA, 93111

Trust Frequency



A Season for Nonviolence
Closing Celebration -
April 2, Culver City, CA

Presented by Agape International
Rev. Carolyn Wilkins
Director, GlobalWorks Ministry
Agape International Spiritual Center

Celebrating the Season for Nonviolence.
64 Ways, 64 Days to Practice Nonviolence. January 30 to April 4.
Daily Meditation at 7:30 AM - Call-in: 559-726-1300 Access Code: 178377




A Season for Nonviolence
New York City, NY - April 1, 9:30 am - 12:30 pm

Presented by The United Federation of Teachers and AGNT
The United Federation of Teachers Presents "A Season for Nonviolence" an exciting educational event for students & educators in collaboration with AGNT, the 17th Annual Season for Nonviolence Task Force. Featuring an address by Rev. Dr. C. T. Vivian, 2013 Presidential Medal of Freedom Winner, For more information and to RSVP, please contact Sharon Jones-Williams at 212-598-7722 or email sjones@uft.org

Shanker Hall

52 Broadway, NY, NY 10004
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Peaceful People Blog
Season for Nonviolence

Presented by Rev. Kebba Buckley Button
Daily article expanding upon
SNV Themes for each day.

John Dear


Peace Rock Painting
Brandon, OR, April 1, 7-9 pm

Presented by Unity of Brandon
Join us to paint peace rocks. Peace rocks are in over 40 countries around the world and in every state of the United States
CONTACT: revrobin@haruna.com
www.peacerocks.org www.unityofbandon.org

Unity of Bandon

Highway 101S, one mile south of 11th St, Bandon, OR

John Dear


Eat Pray Dance
Westlake Village, CA March 30, 7-9 pm

Presented by Center for Spiritual Living Westlake Villag
Dances of Universal Peace are a joyous meditative circle dance using chants from various spiritual traditions to open the heart, form a sense of community and contribute to world peace. Contact information, Sherry Virsen
Program Coordinato 818.297.2290 Email: sherla1@yahoo.com

880 Hampshire Rd, Sanctuary

Westlake Village, CA 91361

John Dear


"Living Peace" Celebration
Monterey, CA March 23, 10:30 am

Presented by One World Records, Monterey CSL
A special service focused on using our spiritual practices to create a "living peace" energy in the world. Original uplifting "concious" pop music, inspirational readings and motivational message.

Monterey Center for Spiritual Living

400 West Franklin St Monterey CA

John Dear


Ubuntu: Honoring the Legacy of Nelson Mandela
Boulder, CO March 21, 8:00 pm

Presented by Peace Through Music
Song, Dance & Spoken Word honoring legacy of Nelson Mandela featuring "Spirit Voices". Â Benefit for Creative Strategies for Change

Wesley Foundation Chapel at C.U. Boulder

1290 Folsom Street; Boulder, CO 80302

John Dear


“THE NONVIOLENT LIFE”: A Talk and Book-Signing
Seattle, March 16, 7 pm

Presented by Church Council of Greater Seattle, Fellowship of Reconciliation-Seattle Chapter, Ground Zero Center for Nonviolent Action, Our Lady of the Lake Justice & Peace Committee, University Temple United Methodist Church, Wedgwood Justice & Peace Coalition
"How can we become people of nonviolence and help the world become more nonviolent? What does it mean to be a person of active nonviolence? How can we help build a global grassroots movement of nonviolence to disarm the world, relieve unjust human suffering, make a more just society and protect creation and all creatures? What is a nonviolent life?"

University Temple United Methodist Church

1415 NE 43rd Street, Seattle, WA 98105

John Dear


Military Recruiters On Our Local High School Campuses -- Why? Santa Barbara, CA March 15

Presented by Santa Barbara Quakers, Co-sponsored by the SB Veterans for Peace,
Santa Barbara High School Social Justice Club
A panel of experts in the field of youth and alternatives to military service will provide information, and input from participants will be encouraged to create a consistent recruiter policy for all local high schools.

Faulkner Gallery

Santa Barbara Central Library
40 E Anapamu St, Santa Barbara, CA 93101

March 15 Santa Barbara


Peace Retreat March 14-16

Presented by Franciscan Renewal Center
Prayerful Reflection, Scripture, Discussion of nonviolent actions
Learning about related issues of injustice.

Franciscan Renewal Center
5802 E. Lincoln Drive
Scottsdale, AZ 85253
For more information: 480-948-7460 www.thecasa.org

Children of Uganda


Peace on Earth Film Festival 2014

Presented by Peace On Earth Film Fertival
Explores themes of peace and nonviolence in a collection of short and feature films.

Chicago Cultural Center

70 E. Washington Street, Chicago, Ill
For more information:

Children of Uganda


Children of Uganda 2014 Tour of Light - Culver City, March 2

Presented by Agape's GlobalWorks Ministry, Rev. Carolyn Wilkins, Director
Experience the Vibrant Dance, Colorful Costumes and Amazing Vocals of this amazing troupe of talented children performing the traditional stories, dances and songs of Uganda.

Agape International Spiritual Center

5700 Buckingham Parkway, Culver City, CA 90230
For more information:

Children of Uganda



Global Works Daily Meditation Call @7:30 am every morning

Presented by Agape's GlobalWorks Ministry, Rev. Carolyn Wilkins, Director
Call in: 559-726-1300; Access Code: 178377

Daily Meditation


The Language of Compassion, Woodinville, WA March 2, 10:30 am

Presented by Compassionate Listening Project Susan Partnow for over fifteen years has facilitated dialogues, networking, and community building in organizations, government agencies, and the community to promote positive social change, ‘out of the box’ thinking, collective wisdom and teambuilding.Music by Ancient Sounds.

Unity Center Of Peace17311 135th Ave NE, Suite C-500 (entrance on 133rd) Woodinville, WA. 98072
Contact information: 206-940-2231

Daily Meditation


BePeace Foundations Course, Dallas Texas, March 5-8

Presented by Center for Spiritual Living Dallas

International Place
4801 Spring Valley, Suite 115
Dallas, TX 7524
Contact information: 817-653-7836, www.csldallas.org

Daily Meditation


Peace is Possible Film & Discussion - Santa Barbara, Feb. 22

Presented by Santa Barbara Quakers, Co-sponsored by the SB Veterans for Peace and Santa Barbara Peace Committee
Free Film Showing "Peace is Possible"- Friday, Feb. 22, 7 pm one hour film & discussion

2012 Chapala Street

Santa Barbara, CA
For more information:

Peace is Possible


Wichita Season for Nonviolence - February 22 & 27, 2014

Presented by Wichita Season of Nonviolence http://wichitaseasonofnonviolence.weebly.com
Intergenerational Conversations - Everyday Nonviolence Feb. 22, 2 - 4 pm
Empowerment Circles
- Feb. 27, 6-8 pm

Pine Valley Christian Church

5620 E. 21st St. N
Wichita, KS
For more information: Natalie Byington 316.259.2580
An opportunity to come together and share your own experiences with violence and nonviolence with others.

Empowerment circles


Non Violent Communication - February 21-23, 2014

Presented by Unity of Marin www.unityinmarin.org
Unity in Marin
600 Palm Drive
Novato, CA
For more information: Kris Bowman at kris@unityinmarin.org
Spiritual Education and Enrichment Course offering: Non Violent Communication taught by Licensed Unity Teacher Kris Bowman and Shira Marin, PhD, LMFT.

Non Violent Communication


A Path for Peace - Woodinville, WA - February 16, 2014

Presented by Living Interfaith www.unitycenterofpeace.org and www.livinginterfaith.org

February 16, 10:30 am
Unity Center Of Peace
17311 135th Ave NE, Ste. C-500
Woodinville, WA 98072
For more information: Phone: 206-940-2231
Interfaith Minister, Steven Greenebaum, from the Living Interfaith Church of Lynnwood, Wa., and author of The Interfaith Alternative, will be speaking.



Singing Songs of Peace - Phoenix, February 15, 2014

Presented by Fiddler's Dream Coffeehouse
10th Annual Singing Songs of Peace Celebration & Concert- Feb. 15, 7:30 pm

Fiddlers Dream Coffeehouse

1702 E. Glendale ve.
Phoenix, AZ
For more information: (602) 997-9795

This years event will benefit the Valley View Community Food Bank, which was founded in March of 2007. Performers will indeed be singing songs of peace, and will also note the life and music of Pete Seeger, who did so much to encourage and promote social justice and nonviolence.

Songs for Peace


"A Mother's Heart" Workshop Tarzana, CA, February 13, 2014

Presented by Soraya Deen of Peaceworks & Peacemoms www.peacemoms.com
A Mother's Heart is a Child's Classroom" One Day Workshop for Mothers Feb. 13

Tarzana, CA
For more information: 818.395.2032

The workshop is geared to go deep within us and first visit our own faiths. Understanding what our own faith tells us about how to engage with the other.

Peace Matters Workshop


Peace Through Music - February 7, 8-10 pm

Presented by Peace Through Music
SouLove South,
2785 Lafayette Drive
Boulder, CO 80305

For more information: Janis Kelly; (916) 873-4856 or janis.e.kelly@gmail.com
on FaceBook
Location is SouLove South, located at 2785 Lafayette Drive in Boulder, CO 80305. Performers sign up/sign in at 7:30 p.m.; event is from 8-10 p.m..

peace through music



Peace Rock Painting - February 6, 7-9 pm

Sponsored by Unity of Bandon, Oregon www.peacerocks.org
Come paint messages and images of peace on ordinary river rocks and then distribute them. They are currently in over 40 countries. Keep one, give one to a friend, leave one somewhere for a stranger to find. All supplies are provided. Unity of Bandon, Highway 101S, Bandon, OR 97411

peace rock



Alaska Ski for Women Team Peace

Presented by Alaska Ski for Women
Anchorage, Alaska

This is an annual event where women of all ages and abilities come out to Nordic ski approximately 2.4 miles (4K), many in colorful costumes, while raising funds for local non-profit organizations that help stop the cycle of domestic abuse against women and children. Through the generous donations of ASFW participants, and the hard work of our all-volunteer committee, the race has been able to make an impact in the community by contributing over $1,000,000 to groups that actively work to improve women’s lives. A special focus is ending the cycle of violence against women and their families and to help women in crisis find positive solutions to a healthier life.

Alaska Ski



Sonoma County Season for Nonviolence Kick Off January 31st

Sponsored by The Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Santa Rosa, Sonoma County Season
for Nonviolence Coalition, Peace & Justice Center of Sonoma County, Peace Alliance, Student
Peace Alliance, Alternatives to Violence Program, Curtis Craft Printing, and the Love Choir

64 Day Calendar of Events

More information #707-992-0367 * Like us on FaceBook

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Concert for Peace - Grass Valley, CA - January 24, 7-9:30 PM

Sponsored by the Unity in the Gold Country Spiritual Center www.unitygold.us

For more information: Phone 908-274-2463 revjerryugc@sbcglobal.net

peace concert





Prayer Flags for Peace and Recovery - Flemington, NJ

Sponsored by the Getting Together Self Help Center outreach31@embarqmail.com Join us.

peace flags