Rev. Dr. Abigail Albert
Affiliated New Thought Network
President of the Affiliated New Thought Network; Co-Minister of the All Faith Center; Founding Member & Secretary Coordinator and Member Liaison of the Poway Interfaith Team; Panel Presenter at the Parliament of World Religions 2009; Co-author of The Interfaith Workbook.
Dr. Stephen Albert
All Faith Center
Co-Minister, All Faith Center; Author, The Interfaith Manual, The Interfaith Workbook; Instructor, Comparative Religion, University of Phoenix; Founding Member & 2012 President, Poway Interfaith Team; New Thought Booth Designer, 1999 Parliament of the World’s Religions; Concept Designer, New Thought Day; Stroke and open-heart surgery survivor.
Michael Bernard Beckwith, D.D.
Agape International Spiritual Center
Founder and Spiritual Director of the Agape International Spiritual Center, a trans-denominational community of 10,000 local members and thousands of worldwide affiliates. Co-founder and President of the Association for Global New Thought, conveners of three Synthesis Dialogues with His Holiness the Dalai Lama in the past decade. Founder of the University of Transformational Studies and Leadership in Los Angeles, California, author and musician, he is author of 40 Day Mind Fast Soul Feast, A Manifesto of Peace , and Living from the Overflow. Co-founder, with AGNT and the M.K. Gandhi Institute, of the Gandhi King Season for Nonviolence.
Prof. Joseph W. Elder
Dr. Joseph Elder teaches in three departments in the University of Wisconsin-Madison: Sociology, Integrated Liberal Studies, and Languages and Cultures of Asia. A Quaker and an activist, he serves as president of the International Interreligious Peace Council.
Dr. Kenn Gordon
International Centers for Spiritual Living
Currently the Senior Co-Pastor, with his wife, Reverend Dr. Deborah Gordon, of the Centre for Spiritual Living Kelowna, in Canada, Dr. Kenn’s career has included everything from the corporate to the creative (from being President and General Manager of a large and innovative restaurant conglomerate in the early 1970’s and early 1980’s, to being an independent consultant, writing and implementing restaurant training and operation manuals for several major organizations).
Rev. Dr. Kathy Hearn
Centers for Spiritual Living
Rev. Dr. Kathy Hearn is a member of the Leadership Council of Association for Global New Thought. She is an Ordained Minister with Centers for Spiritual Living and served for ten years as Community Spiritual Leader for United Centers for Spiritual Living. She is a speaker, teacher, consultant, counselor and facilitator.
Fatima Imam
Dr. Fatima Imam specializes in the history, culture, politics, and religious traditions of South Asia. She teaches history of India, Modern South Asia, Race and Empire in Colonial India, and Islamic Cultures of South Asia. Her research interests are Institutionalization of sovereignty in pre-colonial India, nature of Indian urbanization, and South Asian Islam.
Cetta Kenney
Cetta Kenney is a long-time veteran of the global interfaith movement. She is a Trustee of Common Ground and a founding Trustee of the Interreligious Engagement Project. She serves as Photo Editor of Interreligious Insight: A Journal of Dialogue and Engagement. She has served as the official photographer of the International Interreligious Peace Council.
Dr. Sallie B. King
Dr. Sallie B. King is Professor of Philosophy and Religion at James Madison University. Her scholarly work focuses on Buddhist Studies and especially Engaged Buddhism, the socially and politically activist form of contemporary Buddhism in Asia and the West. She co-edited Engaged Buddhism: Buddhist Liberation Movements in Asia and has recently published Socially Engaged Buddhism and Being Benevolence: The Social Ethics of Engaged Buddhism. She also is active in inter-religious dialogue. She is a Trustee of the Peace Council, an international, interfaith organization working for global peace through inter-religious co-operation.
Sr. Marcelline Koch, OP
Director Office of Justice for the Dominican Sisters of Springfield; North American Dominican Justice Promoters; Steering Committee, Springfield Dominican Anti-Racism Team; Former Member Leadership team, Dominican Sisters of Springfield, Illinois (USA); Former director, Project IRENE, an advocacy initiative of the Leadership Conference of Women Religious. Former elementary education administrator.
Dr. Paul Knitter
Professor Emeritus of Theology, Dr. Paul Knitter is the Paul Tillich Professor of Theology, World Religions, and Culture at Union Theological Seminary, New York. Previously, for some 30 years, he taught theology at Xavier University in Cincinnati, OH. He received a Licentiate in theology from the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome (1966) and a doctorate from the University of Marburg, Germany (1972). He is a Trustee of the Peace Council.
Rev. Mary Omwake
Unity Church of Lynwood
Founding Member, Leadership Council for AGNT; Spiritual Director, Unity in Lynnwood; Former Board Member, Unity World Wide Ministries; Chairman, Church Growth and Development Teams, UWM and INTA
Dr. Peggy Price
Seal Beach Center for Spiritual Living
Minister Emeritus Seal Beach Center for Spiritual Living in Seal Beach, CA. Founding member, past President of the Greater Huntington Beach (CA) Interfaith Council; Advisory Board SARAH (Spiritual Alliance for Religion and Hope); Member Board of Religious Diversity Institute at UC Irvine; member, Women of Spirituality and Faith; Member of AGNT planning team for the Awakened World Conference and Women’s Pre-Conference and co-facilitator for the dialogues.
Dr. Nancy Roof
Nancy Roof, PhD is the founding/editor of Kosmos Journal: Creating the New Civilization for the Common Good, found in leading bookstores. In Consultative Status with the UN, she co-founded the Values Caucus and the Spiritual Caucus at the UN. Other projects include: The Commons Movement and the Global Citizens Campaign.
Dr. Roger Teel
MileHi Church
Senior Minister & Spiritual Director Mile Hi Church, Denver, Colorado
Co-founder of the Association for Global New Thought, The Synthesis Dialogue I, ll, lll with HH the Dalai Lama, Served on the boards of the Interfaith Alliance of Colorado, the M.K. Gandhi Institute for Nonviolence, The Foundation for Affordable Housing and the Community First Foundation.
Rev. Dr. Petra Weldes
Center for Spiritual Living Dallas
Rev Dr Petra Weldes, Sr Minister, Center for Spiritual Living, Dallas, TX. Advisory Council - AGNT; Interfaith and Global Peace initiatives and associations in Dallas, Organizational development, leadership, and social transformation and development trainer and facilitator.