Unity Worldwide Ministries
EarthCare Program
The Unity EarthCare Team (UET) a ministry team of Unity Worldwide Ministries, designed the EarthCare Program (Part I herein) to assist congregations in integrating an earth-oriented spirituality into their ministry. UET’s mission is to foster awareness of our spiritual oneness with our Earth home and promote active care of creation.
The EarthCare Program is based upon the Path to EarthCare (Part II herein), a seven step process that helps each church community to discover what Spirit calls them to do to care for our earth home, while the Congregation Program provides the ways by which the Path is achieved. The Path recognizes spiritual commitment and visioning as essential components of reaching this goal and it is anticipated that ministries pursuing a commitment to EarthCare would likely cycle through these steps many times as they proceed along their path. The EarthCare Program manifests Unity’s Fifth Basic Principle: Through thoughts, words and actions we live the truth we know.
The Path includes the following steps, each of which is described in Part II:
Pray • Vision • Act • Inspire • Learn • Share • Renew
For each Step there are a few examples of possible activities. A more extensive list of possible EarthCare activities and other valuable resources can be found in the document “Additional EarthCare Actions” at www.unity.org/bethechange under EarthCare.