Greetings, Task Force Leaders:

It is our privilege to encourage you to participate in this year's Season for Nonviolence with programs or events that are easy and creatively yours.  If you haven't already come up with your plans, here are some ways that you can be part of our global community to bring peace and A Season for Nonviolence to your community.

1.    Create a Task Force to plan an event to promote peace and awareness of nonviolence philosophies of Gandhi and King.

Examples: a musical concert with local artists, planting a peace pole, Walkathon, community potluck, series of workshops or classes using the educational materials available on this site or on the SNV CD-rom  

2.    Through your church or organization's sponsorship, offer workshops & lectures during the Season for Nonviolence, January 30 through April 4th

Examples: themes on nonviolent attributes, peace prayers; workshops on conflict resolution, diversity, family values, nonviolence to our planet; invite guest speakers to share their programs of peace, honor peace heroes

3.    Collaborate with other organizations to introduce programs of nonviolence into youth organizations such as YMCA, Boys & Girls Club, private schools, PTA sponsored after school programs.  Co-create with young teens to come up with a plan for nonviolence and present where possible.

4.    Place a Call for Action to other Faiths to join you in co-presenting A Season for Nonviolence activity.

Example: Abraham Path pilgrimage between different faith worship centers, ie: church to temple to mosque, etc. (link to Abraham info)

5.     Invite local politicians to proclaim a Day of Peace or ... A Season for Nonviolence. Proclamation examples here (link to proclamation)

6.    Involve the Media in your community in promoting the 64 Ways/Days to Practice Nonviolence in our daily lives.  Invite local businesses to sponsor One Day One Way for Peace as part of the 64 ways and days.

7.  Host a Nonviolent Communication Training Seminar for your church,  school or community.

There are endless possibilities for you to participate in A Season for Nonviolence.  If you haven't already done so, would you let us know what your plans are?

Regular communications and updates are sent from Season for Nonviolence headquarters to all of our Task Force Leaders and Conference Calls are also part of the ongoing support for the “Leading Edge” of the Season for Nonviolence campaign, our task force leaders in their local communities.

In any case, we are available to offer you ideas and resources to help you become involved in a way that best fits your time, energy and resources.  We look forward to connecting with you soon.
Peace and Blessings,
Barbara and Carolyn

Dr. Barbara Fields
SNV Project Director

Executive Director

Association for Global New Thought

Carolyn Pester
National Task Force Coordinator
A Season for Nonviolence

805-563-7344 fax

220 Santa Anita Rd. Santa Barbara, CA 93105