A Season for Nonviolence Survey Summary

The Association for Global New Thought

National Task Force Coordinator
Sydney Salt
National Task Force Coordinator
A Season for Nonviolence
(858)  759-3470
(858)  759-4843 Fax

Project Director
Barbara Fields Bernstein
Executive Director, AGNT

AGNT has conducted an extensive survey of the all the national task forces participating in the Season for Nonviolence since its inception in 1998. As we continue into our Fifth year, this is what YOU--the spiritual citizen leaders of this movement--had to say:


There are two distinct ways that A Season for Nonviolence is embodied:-

1)  A Task Force where a special event or program is planned by the group
2)  Individuals who incorporate the concepts of A Season for Nonviolence within their own programs and support it through individual effort.

Overview of what is needed to enhance programs and support leadership

*  Information on how other churches/groups are introducing SNV into their programs.

*  Communication concerning the success of programs in other communities.

*  Support to build local awareness and recognition for A Season for Nonviolence

*  Clarity on mission and vision of SNV today

*  A means of providing collaboration for task force leaders around the world

*  Resource for accessing speakers and workshops on a National level

General Comments

*  Many surveys reflected an intention and action to build affiliations with other groups working with nonviolence in the community

*  Major challenges for Task Forces are the need for time, financial support, leadership dedication and volunteer motivation

*  Event organization is a major strength for many Task Forces

*  Average survey respondents have been involved with SNV since its inception.

*  Some respondents indicated that this is a time of re-evaulating the scope and type of programs they wish to be involved in the future with SNV.

General Response to Task Force Survey

1)  How long have you been involved as a SNV Affiliate?

 Average - 3 years

2)  What types of SNV activities has your Task Force produced?

 Events or A Season for Nonviolence

Workshops on nonviolence
Prayer vigil incorporating 64 ways and days
Incorporated in Sunday Services
Recognition to ìPeace Heroî

3)  How many active Task Force Members do you have?

 Average -  1 - 10

4)  What is the composition of your Task Force?

 Average - church membership reflecting the community

5)  Have you assessed the strengths of your Task Force?

 Yes - varied responses - most reflect their ability to create an event

6)  Is your Task Force Interested in taking advantage of any of the following development opportunities?

Average - interested in all listings.

 Emphasis on ...
 Public Relations
 Basic Training in Nonviolence Philosophy
 Planning & developing Nonviolent programs and materials
 Financial and other Resource Development

7)  If your Task Force participated in any issue driven activities, what were the issues?

 Average responses -
a)  no participation in issue
b)  Peace and nonviolence with youth

8)  What was the outcome of your efforts?
Media coverage
Individual responsibility
School participation

9)  Did you received any support for your efforts from elected officials?

Average - 60% received  proclamation from Mayor /Governor

10)  What is economic status, ethnic make-up and geographic boundaries of the area served or targeted by Task Force?

 See individual surveys

 Diverse with dominant middle-upper class Caucasian influence

11)  What are the most critical issues facing your community?

 Disparity between wealth and poverty,
 School and gang youth violence

12)  Based on response to #7, list top 3 issues in order of priority.

Varied responses - emphasis on youth violence

13)  What has been the response of your constituency to your Task Forceís activities?


14)  Do you plan to recruit any additional support for SNV 2001?  If so, how?

Yes - no specific plans

15)  What is the biggest challenge facing your Task Forceís success?

Dedicated Leadership
Volunteer participation
Financial support
Awareness and recognition by greater community
Expanding vision into action

16)  What is most clearly needed by your Task Force in order to optimize progress?

 Motivation of volunteers and team spirit
Funding information / Financial Support
Dedicated leadership to motivate and sustain momentum
Education on nonviolence
Input from AGNT about events/programs to link with

Overall Perspective

In speaking with the various Task Force Leaders across the country, I became aware that A Season for Nonviolence efforts have two areas of influence.

1)  The Vision - Creating awareness for A Season for Nonviolence which manifests in the form of events such as peace walks, music concerts, meditation and prayer, speakerís presentations.   These events are an excellent place to create funds for SNV.

2)  The Work - Providing resources such as tools, materials, information and people to support the ìworkî which can be incorporated into other already established entities such as schools, churches and compatible non-profit agencies working toward peace using nonviolence.

There appears to be a strong desire for Task Force leaders to link up with each other to sustain interest, enthusiasm and momentum as well as share creative ideas and programs that can be used by others.

Verbal and written communication is one of the keys to accomplishing this, with

a)  updated information placed on the website, with email newsletter-type updates highlighting a group or an individual and what they are creating in their community.   There is a wealth of creative energy being expressed by these groups and individuals.  This achieves ... acknowledgement and appreciation for the efforts expended ...  give everyone creative ideas to build their own programs, create links for them to connect and share resources with each other.

b)  a liaison between National and each community who would offer individual support and guidance to help define and co-create programs that fall in the scope of the individual or communityís interest and capabilities. This person also serves as a centralized people resource so that individuals can be connected with existing groups within their community who are also working for SNV.

c)  On a national level, collaborate with each Task Force Leader or individual who is interested, to accomplish the following .... create a radio campaign across the country, involving the local radio personality, where the station could invite different businesses in the community, perhaps even local politicians, to sponsor one or more days of the 64 Ways to Practice Nonviolence.

The benefits would be ....

a)  The radio stations could collect revenue
b)   Negotiation opportunity for revenue for SNV
c)   SNV would get valuable exposure, build awareness and recruit volunteers
d)   A consistent campaign for each individual/community to build their programs upon
e)   To bring a deeper awareness and action for people to embody in their daily lives.

