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Nature Walk

Excerpts and Readings



Earth Day Service

Creating a “Walking Essay for the 21st Century,”
in the Spirit of Thoreau

As you walk this Season, on your own, with friends, or on a Walk with your community, hold in mind the readings and meditations you have encountered on this website. Liberate your spirit to experience the nature around you in the same deeply contemplative and committed way that many of these thinkers and writers have done for centuries. Know that YOU are their ancestor and that stewardship of the Earth Family is now a torch that YOU carry forward, in whatever way is appropriate to your lifestyle and capacities.

Come back to this section after your Walk(s) and use the fields below as a Journal, sharing into our “collective mind” the wisdom that emerges through you in your sacred walking experience.

AGNT will collect the Journal entries and, at the end of Season for the Earth 2013, present to our network a new “Walking Essay for the 21st Century,” in the Spirit of Thoreau.

PLEASE PARTICIPATE. Lets create our own stunning contribution to DEEP GREEN for the next generation.

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