"Culture Evolving:
From the Heart of the World's Spiritual Traditions"



About the Series

For the first time this Fall, the Season for Intercultural and Interfaith Celebration (SIIC) 2010, invites you to participate in a highly unique program. AGNT is offering a ten week teleseries exploring intercultural and interfaith issues for today. Dr. Barbara Fields, Executive Director of AGNT and co-founder in 1997 of the Season for Peace and Nonviolence campaign, co-hosts with friend and colleague, Jim Kenney, former Global Director for the Parliament of Religions in Chicago and founder of Common Ground. A respected representative from each of the world's major spiritual traditions will join us in dialogue each week, discussing a unique theme. (See list of guests and themes)

Ten Weeks of World Culture on your Telephone

This is a RARE opportunity. The interactive calls take place each Friday from 1-2pm Pacific Time beginning September 17 - November 19. (Please click here to view the schedule). Invited to attend are ministers, Seasons for Peace and Nonviolence task force leaders, and all other individuals who are passionate about these topics and might like to be a part of creating meaningful action in their community. While we hope you will attend all the calls, tuning in to as many as you can is permitted. Calls will be recorded and available for download, along with handouts and multi-media presentation tools, so that you can choose to easily and masterfully create an interfaith- intercultural class or workshop in your community.

How Spirit Evolves Culture

Religious and spiritual belief systems shape worldviews that, in turn, determine cultural norms. Do cultures evolve or do they merely change? Co-hosting with Barbara Fields, Jim Kenney frames the tone for our series with leading edge insights on this questions. His new book - Thriving  in the Crosscurrent: Clarity and Hope in a Time of Cultural Sea Change - presents a powerful argument for genuine cultural evolution. Jim believes that prevailing human values, assumptions, and behaviors move steadily toward a closer fit with reality.

Today, we're right in the middle of such a planet-wide values shift. Its implications for religion, spirituality, and personal development are profound indeed. At its very heart lie new understandings of peace and nonviolence, social / economic justice and human rights, and ecological sustainability. Gradually, we are discarding outmoded understandings and the destructive patterns they shape. Jim suggests that we are in a very rare segment of history through which humanity enters a period of dramatically accelerated cultural evolution - a "sea change." The evidence is compelling, and this arresting idea will illuminate our series of discussions and the unique gifts that each of these great spiritual traditions brings to the process.

Certificate of Interfaith Intercultural Understaning- Level 1

For those who attend at least 80% of calls, and/or create programs in their community or spiritual center, Association for Global New Thought and Common Ground will award this certificate in your name.



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