How to Participate in the Earth Charter Initiative
* Disseminate the Earth Charter and raise awareness about it among your friends and in your local community.
* Endorse the Earth Charter and encourage the organizations to which you belong and your local and national governments to use and endorse the Earth Charter.
* Start an Earth Charter study group and explore how to use the Earth Charter and apply its principles in your home, work place, and local community.
* Put together a project or an action group on Education, Business, Media, Religion or Youth.
* Collaborate with Earth Charter Partners and Affiliates and with other organizations that have endorsed the Earth Charter in your region. * Make financial contributions or provide other resources and needed services in support of Earth Charter International and other Earth Charter projects.
* Consult and follow the Action Guidelines for Decentralized Expansion of the Earth Charter Initiative, which may be found on the Earth Charter website.
There are many ways to use the Earth Charter in schools, businesses, governments, NGOs, conferences, and public events. For example, it can be used as:
* an educational tool for developing understanding of the critical challenges and choices facing humanity and the meaning of a sustainable way of living.
* a call to action and an ethical guide to a sustainable way of life that can inspire commitment, cooperation, and change.
* a values framework to guide governments at all levels in the design of policies and strategies for building a just, sustainable and peaceful world.
* a comprehensive framework for defining corporate social and ecological responsibility and formulating related mission statements and professional codes of conduct.
* a catalyst for multi-sectoral, cross-cultural and interreligious dialogue on common goals, shared values and global ethics.
* a soft law document that provides an ethical foundation for the on-going development of environmental and sustainable development law.
* an instrument for assessing progress toward the goal of sustainability.