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Multimedia Tools


Power of WE

Compassionate Activism for Global Healing
A Video Overview Produced by Global New Thought for the 2009 Parliament of the World's Religions


Interfaith Video Meditations

Wisdom from 13 Traditions on 9 Universal Themes:
Nine individual 6-minute audio/visual meditations.


Living Peace Mandala

A project of the Season for Nonviolence 2010, the Mandala is a flexible and interactive icon meant to be used for reflection, contemplation, and meditation. Based on the 64 ways in 64 days model, it consists of a daily quotation, affirmation and practice in a peaceful audio/visual environment.

Discussion Questions Video

Originally brain-stormed by and created for the Generation NOW Meeting in 2009. This meditative video presents pivotal questions for the consciousness movement, and is a great tool for deep inquiry and discussion in any such group.

AGNT's Source Document

Over the course of the past ten years, The Association for Global New Thought, in ongoing collaboration with its membership and with individuals and organizations of aligned mission and vision, has drafted this work-in-progress. Watch, read, and contemplate your own vision of an "Awakened World".

AGNT Video Overview

10 Minute clip from the video:"Pulled By a Vision; The First Decade". New Thought is committed to global healing through personal transformation, community-building, interfaith, intercultural, and interdisciplinary understanding, and compassionate activism.

Season for Nonviolence Video Overview

A four minute video overview of the SNV Campaign since inception. Includes narration and a musical slideshow of photos submitted by SNV task forces all over the world. Good presentation tool to introduce the SNV Campaign to new audiences.

Earth Mandala

An easy and practical way for your church to get started with Season for the Earth. Find samples of core action steps in all critical areas of environmental awareness.