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Transforming Society: From Emergency to Emergence


We envision a world in which peace and fairness are cherished as inseparable and vital dimensions of the existence of every individual and of the whole human community. We trust in the growth of a powerful and universal new story of nonviolent conflict resolution and restorative justice.



We call on the World’s Religious and Spiritual Communities and all concerned groups and individuals…

· To engage in creative common action in for peace, nonviolence, social and economic justice, and human rights.

· To work to heal the systemic inequity engendered by neoliberal policies that undermine economic and social justice in the name of capitalism.

· To strive to hasten the decline of patriarchy through the creation of new initiatives to energize women’s leadership and authority.

· To develop and share – in collaborative networks and with a strong emphasis on the next generation – new models and maps for community, leadership, and governance at every level of society.

· To commit our energies to learning about, proclaiming, and defending the Global Commons as the shared physical, biological, social, intellectual, and cultural heritage of humankind.

· To dedicate ourselves, our organizations, and our communities to spiritually motivated social engagement.


Beyond the Charter:


Self Transformation; what can I do
Balance the feminine & masculine
Key Values:

Nonviolence, compassion, humility, accountability with transparency
Whole continuum of Respect
New political accountability structures
Sacredness to structures
Collaboration & paying attention to process
Facilitators; listening to what’s needed
Individual daily actions, sourced from being-ness



1. Foundation for Women- eliminate poverty through microfinance
2. Birth 2012 and Beyond- establish conscious evolution and network what’s working
3. Globalization for the Common Good Initiative- intercultural and interdisciplinary education & business programs
4. Pachamama Alliance
5. Occupy Movement
6. Women of Spirit and Faith Alchemy Project


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